Thursday, 25 June 2009

Down the beach and MTT'ing


Today was really hot and thanks to somehow waking up at 8am, I managed to get down to the beach with some friends to soak up the sunlight and bob about in the sea! The sea was really nice today, I was expecting it to be a testicle torturing temperature but it was actually really nice. Plus it's always funny rugby tackling friends who are too scared to just jump right in. Pussies!

I managed to get home in time to register for the 8pm-11pm tournies on Boss/Party/iPoker. Unfortunately today does not exemplify my past couple of months as every flip I lost, every premium pair got busted etc etc. I managed one final table on Boss for the €44/€2000 gtd but busted in 8th for next to nothing. Similarly came 11/383 on party poker $55/$20,000 gtd which sucked slightly as my aces couldn't hold against the dominating q4 offsuit. Weeeeeeeee... Guess it's back to the reality of MTT's eh ;)

Nevertheless, It was a fun grind tonight and I'm pleased Ant had more success than I did shipping a tourny on Boss for just over $1k so grats to him!

Bed time now so hopefully I can hit the beach again tomorrow if the weather stays as good as it is! Ciao!

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